Hello! Coming from week 6, end of transfers.
We had a good week with the confirmation of Martha. We had a huge count at church from all her family. I think we almost reached 25 people. Hey, that’s big for here ok! It’s been awesome seeing her family support her in this. There has been a lot of emotion between them all, it’s been really awesome as a missionary to watch that. Other than that we had 2 other investigators at church. One, who is 11 years old, works the same job I had at 17. Hod Tending, (to summarize: its the dirty work for a brick mason) the only difference is he makes in a week what I made in an hour. His money goes to helping out his mom, who is very ill because her 18 year old son is in the cartel and she can’t sleep at night. It’s really sad to see the lifestyle of some of these people but how grateful it makes you for what you have. The other is a lady we found contacting this week. I’ll say she’s mid 50´s to be safe. She opened up to us with a lot of sad events in her life when we met her. Her sister passed away last month and she recently walked in on her husband cheating on her. She’s been deeply investigating the gospel. She showed up for church before we did, which is awesome. She has a baptism date for next week but she wants to make sure she is ready which is extremely legit. Other than that the photo is last p day. Our district got together, poured some flour on the dirt and called it a field and played futbol. love it.
Mexico Fact: its easy to point out occupied houses while contacting because the houses with out people don’t have bars welded to the windows.
Fact: our door has no security, we open the door with a shoe lace. When we leave the house we yell inside saying nos vemos, (see-ya) so people think there are people inside.
Love you all! have a good day! - Elder Warner
We're at ends of transfers. Don’t know where it went. The language kicked in when you had fasted. It’s still a struggle but I learn more each day. I had an investigator ask me to pray in English and I struggled to remember English words so I take that as a good sign. The apartment is nice for the houses here. Sometimes I miss my Idaho mission a lot because we basically had it all, or at least more than what is supplied here. But when I look at the large view of it I don’t learn anything from living in a 2-story apartment with carpet. Some things are still a struggle to make a part of my everyday living but I’m learning things I won’t learn anywhere else. I have been very humbled. Nothing like the temple. I think we are going next week. The Salt Lake temple is something different, you won’t find that unique special feeling in that temple in most of the others. I hope your week went well, let me know if there is anything I can do, any one I can keep in my prayers. Let me know how Gale is. Love you, Elder Warner